Şu ülkeden en iyi değerlendirmeler: Türkiye. Diğer ülkelerden en iyi değerlendirmeler. I liked it to help still my mind and get a focus (the first half or 3/4 of the book) I've had this book for a few years, have done most of the first 3/4 of the book, but the last 1/4 is a bit frightening, it tells you to how to (somewhat) develop a black heart, empty face, and black mind (I think those are the words) and basically, for a black mind: you set your mind on a goal, and let nothing sway you from that goal. If someone presents you with information as to why that goal is not achievable you either ignore their advice or you find a way round their problem that they self ban casino presented. for years I practiced empty face, where I would control my emotions and my reactions to things, and along the way I lost myself (I became emotionless) this took many years to come back from to where I now (again) have a good range of emotions, but I do still have an unnatural ability to shut them down if I want to. Use this area with caution. There is really nothing meaningful in this book. Bu durum sonucunda self kökler 7 gün sonra gelişecektir.
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I liked it to help still my mind and get a focus (the first half or 3/4 of the book) I've had this book for a few years, have done most of the first 3/4 of the book, but the last 1/4 is a bit frightening, it tells you to how to (somewhat) develop a black heart, empty face, and black mind (I think those are the words) and basically, for a black mind: you set your mind on a goal, and let nothing sway you from that goal. If someone presents you with information as to why that goal is not achievable you either ignore their advice or you find a way round their problem that they presented. for years I practiced empty face, where I would control my emotions and my reactions to things, and along the way I lost myself (I became emotionless) this took many years to come back from to where I now (again) have a good range of emotions, but I do still have an unnatural ability to shut them down if I want to. Use this area with caution. There is really self ban casino nothing meaningful in this book. Learn to breath deeply, first consciously, then unconsciously and after a couple of years of doing this you are ready for the next lesson. Blah, blah, blah. Probably a good book for the Scientology crowd. Çelik eczanesi kırşehir.
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